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Since I just had the privilege of photographing the Dynh family’s newest adorable addition this morning, I thought I would do a little blog featuring their amazing golden-hour, backlit, sun-filled family session. This was one of my favorite family sessions ever. I just got just too bogged down in my busy fall season to keep up. Blogging and social […]
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Aloha Baby! Aloha is one of those words that has so many meanings, and also just one. It is used to mean affection, compassion, mercy, hello, goodbye, peace, and love, sometimes all at once. But aloha is more than the sum of its various meanings. Aloha is a spirit that moves through you and binds your […]
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It’s been a while since I’ve shared a family session and that’s a shame because I’ve had so many great ones! And especially now that summer is in full swing I wanted to look back on this summery golden family session with the T family! For their San Marcos photo session, we chose an open […]
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When my very bestest friend is back in town we make sure to find time for some family photos! Because her two littles are growing up just way too fast! Let’s be honest, kids all grow up just way too fast! That tiny stage is way too short! Plus, family shoots with littles are such a […]
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Local to SD? The coffee's on me!